TAA's Tour of Cities - Downtown Raleigh

TAA News & Updates,

TAA's Membership Committee is hosting "TAA's Tour of Cities" as an Engagement Drive for our members. They'll be hosting an event at an apartment community with a networking breakfast, a few presentations on hot topics, and ending with a tour of the community.

Our first stop of 2019 was downtown Raleigh! Yesterday's event offered a "Trends, Events, and Just Plain, Cool Fun!" marketing presentation from Lori Valenti Webb, a government affairs and legal issues update from Todd Whitlow, and concluded with a tour of Link Apartments Glenwood South. Keep an eye out for information about our 2nd quarter "Tour of Cities" event!

Thank you to the wonderful staff of Link Apartments Glenwood South and Grubb Properties for hosting our event!

If you're interested in learning more about your membership with the Triangle Apartment Association and how you can get involved, contact us and keep an eye out for details on our next Tour of Cities event in Q2!