TAA's Weekend of Service Challenge #TAAServiceDay

TAA News & Updates,

This year, November 13 - 15, is TAA's Weekend of Service. Let's show our hearts for service by committing to an act of service now.

We may not be able to serve together in person during these times, but at TAA, we are a community that cares, let's virtually serve together. To share how you and your team are giving back, use the hashtag #TAAServiceDay during November 13 - 15. We are excited to see our TAA community come together and serve!

Looking for an opportunity to give/serve? Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Gather canned and nonperishable food items or volunteer with your friends and family at the Food Bank.
  • Make a monetary donation to A New Lease on Life, helping those experiencing homelessness get back on their feet. 
  • Fulfill a item on a charitable organization's wishlist! For example, Family Promise of Wake County (A partner of A New Lease on Life) is currently in need of brooms, dustpans, and mops. 
  • Make Hygiene Kits for the homeless and donate them to a local homeless shelter. People experiencing homelessness struggle to obtain necessities to wash their hands and brush their teeth. Organize your group to collect hotel samples or purchase travel-sized items from a dollar store to complete the kits.
  • It can be random! Pay for the person behind you in line or offer to rake your elderly neighbor's yard. The possibilities are endless!

Already have a charity you support? Super! Show your fellow TAA members what and how by using the hashtag #TAAServiceDay and posting on social media between November 13 - 15. We want to hear from you so we can celebrate all the good deeds throughout the weekend!